Perfect Blue

Perfect Blue

Perfect Blue is an astral experience, one that sticks with you long after you’ve finished watching it. It’s a film that blurs the line between reality and fantasy so well that you start to question which side of the line you’re viewing at every given second in almost every single frame.

The film captures the concepts of fame, persona, and identity in such a haunting way. It tackles the ideas of paranoia and trauma through its phenomenal storytelling and beautiful yet terrifying visual style.

Perfect Blue is one of the best animated films I’ve seen in my life. Its animation is second to none and elevates this already phenomenal tale to even higher heights of quality.

Watching the chronicle of our main character Mima try to bury her old image to forge a new one, deal with the effects of fame, cycle through waves of judgment, sacrifice self for persona, walk the line between reality and fantasy, deal with the fear of violence…while being able find an identity in herself through all of that was mind blowing to watch to say the least.

To say I was invested in this film is an understatement, my eyes were practically glued to the screen trying to differentiate the line between reality and fantasy. I don’t know that I have a 100% understanding of the film but I know that I really loved it.

I have the feeling this movie rewards you on repeat viewings. So looking forward to that sometime in the future.

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