Better Man

Better Man

I cried so many times out of sadness and spectacle. It’s a very traditional when it comes to the narrative structure of a biopic but unlike Bohemian Rhapsody or what have you, this has more of a raw grit to it. There’s more emotional gravitas and grit than a musical biopic usually brings us. Not even counting the surrealist musical numbers(which are amazing!) but serious conversations and situations that most biopics would make full sap stories but this movie makes the mature choice of never manipulating you into crying. It never begs for your tears. It has things that would beg you to bawl your eyes out IN ANY OTHER BIOPIC! 
This also has a core theme of fame vs self. Most biopics fail at finding its core theme cause it wants to tell what happened but never has an emotional underbelly. This does and it’s something to be in awe of. I knew nothing about Robbie Williams going into this and now, even knowing he’s an asshole, want to give him the biggest hug of all time. The theme of can you sense of self survive when you reach such global fame. It went wayyyy deeper than I thought it would ever go. It also doesn’t wrap up in a neat bow. I always hate in biopics, if main character has a mental illness then they just “get better” but this shows that, the demons never just go away, but it’s how we deal with them and never let them overcome us. We show them who’s boss and never ignore them. Such an important message. That SHOULD be a no brainer but sadly not a lot of people think to show. 
this shit is MAJOR. trust me. Watch it and watch it in a theater!
at the very least, you won’t be bored

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