Jane Wright’s review published on Letterboxd:
I’m reading a lot of critical reviews here from people dragging this for being formulaic or dated - specifically about the motifs of race. Which I don’t think is true, this was clever and original in so many ways.
But even if it is “dated” or “derivative” in some of its ideas…why is that automatically seen as negative? As if some of the best movies out there aren’t copies or inspired by of our other favorite things.
What feels dated to me is people holding stories about race to some ridiculous and unattainable standard. Insisting they be one thing or the other. That the message was too on the nose. That the message was too subtle. That it was too liberal. That it was too conservative. I’m not shunning critical thinking, but I feel disappointed when the critiques are so monotone in their view of stories with these themes.
By the way, I loved this. It was careful and silly and full of nuanced and connected conversations about life.