

Favorite films

  • Once Upon a Time in America
  • The Hunt
  • Heat
  • A Woman Under the Influence

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  • Glass


  • Dressed to Kill


  • A Complete Unknown


  • Split


Recent reviews

  • Glass



    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

    The Unbreakable trilogy has given us a unique and fascinating take on the superhero genre in all three instalments. For me, what makes these movies stand out is how the three central characters are portrayed as ordinary people, and emphasises that superheroes, at least in M. Night Shyamalan’s universe, aren’t necessarily born, but made. 

    I really appreciated how Glass subverted ordinary expectations and affirmed that the story to be told here wasn’t a final showdown of good versus evil, but…

  • Dressed to Kill

    Dressed to Kill


    It’s clear Brian De Palma loves Hitchcock, and this film is a perfect showcase of that, particularly with the homages to both Vertigo and Psycho, but in a  However, this doesn’t discount his ability as a filmmaker at all. Dressed to Kill is phenomenal in all respects, but the way this film builds tension is unmatched. The art gallery scene alone is sublime.

Popular reviews

  • Legally Blonde

    Legally Blonde


    My brain: That's a conflict of interest! She's a first-year law student! You can't go from 143 to 179 on the LSATs so quickly! That's hearsay!

    Also my brain: "Warner graduated without honours, without a girlfriend and without any job offers"!!

    All in all, this was a long overdue watch and I truly enjoyed it. Such a wonderful feel-good movie about female empowerment and believing in yourself.

    10 Films Per Decade - the 2000s: #1 of 10

  • Anora



    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

    Anora is a solid film and draws its greatest strengths in how it uses varied perspectives to tell a story. It is anything but a romance-comedy, as Google tells us. Or, is it?

    What I found fascinating is that Anora can be seen as a film that is told in three different perspectives - the first belonging to Anora (or Ani, as she prefers), the second being Toros, Garnick and Igor, and the final being Ivan, his parents, and, quite…