gustavo has logged 16 entries for films released in the 1890s during 2024.
Month | Day | Film | Released | Rating | Like | Rewatch | Review | |
19 | The Boxing Kangaroo | 1895 | | Read the review | ||||
08 | Comic Face | 1897 | | |||||
08 | A Nightmare | 1896 | | |||||
08 | Santa Claus | 1898 | | |||||
08 | The Conjurer | 1899 | | |||||
30 | The Four Troublesome Heads | 1898 | | |||||
29 | Something Good – Negro Kiss (Alternate Version) | 1898 | | |||||
29 | The Kiss | 1896 | | |||||
15 | Indochina: Children Gathering Coins Scattered by Western Women | 1899 | | |||||
05 | The Haunted Castle | 1897 | | |||||
05 | The Sprinkler Sprinkled | 1895 | | |||||
28 | Washerwomen on the River | 1897 | | |||||
28 | Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory | 1895 | | Read the review | ||||
26 | Something Good — Negro Kiss | 1898 | | |||||
10 | The Kiss in the Tunnel | 1899 | | |||||
09 | The Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat | 1896 | |