This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Myra’s review published on Letterboxd:
This review may contain spoilers.
Volume 2/Episodes 10-18:
I almost feel like so much and so little happened in this span of chapters. We get a little more information on Johan and Tenma is fostering a kid, but there aren’t any huge, huge major twists in this one. Still great, of course.
The chapter focusing on the state of Eva Heinemann has to be up there with the best chapters so far. It’s really simple, but it was so, I almost want to use the word endearing, to A. Follow the story of the gardener and his family and his quest for love and B. See Eva get what she fucking deserves. It was by far my favorite chapter of this volume despite it not having too much influence over the rest of the plot. But that’s where I think the best stories of Monster have really lied, in the small, seemingly insignificant tales. The last chapter of Volume 1 where Tenma makes the little girl smile, Tenma’s influence on the hospital, and Tenma adopting Dieter are all small bright moments of humanity and joy in the midst of a dark overarching plot and I think they are by far the best parts of the entire story.
I feel like Tenma didn’t change much between the latter half of Volume 1 and the end of Volume 2. He’s still the same morale guy who doesn’t quiver at any obstacles to his morals or motives. I know it’s still early but I want to see him be challenged as a character. How could a situation like this not make your beliefs waver? I’m excited to see that change overtime.
Too bad there’s no physical Johan in this book, but his presence is felt through its entirety.