guizinhumildade has logged 1,265 entries for films (excluding comedy).
Month | Day | Film | Released | Rating | Like | Rewatch | Review | |
07 | Bicycle Race at the Arroyo Seco Cycle Track | 1898 | | |||||
25 | Roosevelt's Rough Riders | 1898 | | |||||
23 | Serpentine Dance | 1897 | | |||||
23 | Lyon: Quai de l'Archevêché | 1896 | | |||||
23 | Bicyclist | 1896 | | |||||
23 | The Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat | 1896 | | |||||
23 | Boules Game | 1896 | | |||||
23 | Partie de boules | 1896 | | |||||
23 | Demolition of a Wall | 1896 | | |||||
23 | Baby's Meal | 1895 | | |||||
13 | Italienischer Bauerntanz | 1895 | | |||||
01 | The Boxing Kangaroo | 1895 | | |||||
23 | Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory | 1895 | | |||||
23 | Boat Leaving the Port | 1895 | | |||||
23 | Déjeuner du Chat | 1895 | |