guizinhumildade has logged 20 entries for films (excluding comedy) released in the 1970s during 2019.
Month | Day | Film | Released | Rating | Like | Rewatch | Review | |
13 | The Lords of Flatbush | 1974 | | |||||
01 | Elvis | 1979 | | |||||
29 | Salem's Lot | 1979 | | |||||
21 | Someone's Watching Me! | 1978 | | |||||
18 | Wizards | 1977 | | |||||
30 | Nocturna Artificialia | 1979 | | |||||
02 | The Last Woman | 1976 | | |||||
06 | Space Is the Place | 1974 | | |||||
24 | Eadweard Muybridge, Zoopraxographer | 1975 | | |||||
22 | Directed by John Ford | 1971 | | |||||
02 | Assault on Precinct 13 | 1976 | | |||||
29 | Lucifer Rising | 1972 | | |||||
13 | Claire's Knee | 1970 | | |||||
18 | Partido Alto | 1976 | | |||||
06 | The Cramps: Live at Napa State Mental Hospital | 1978 | | |||||
15 | The Exorcist | 1973 | | |||||
27 | The Battle of Chile: Part III | 1979 | | |||||
28 | A Grin Without a Cat | 1977 | | |||||
27 | The Battle of Chile: Part II | 1976 | | |||||
27 | The Battle of Chile: Part I | 1975 | |