guizinhumildade has logged 13 entries for comedy films released in the 1940s.
Month | Day | Film | Released | Rating | Like | Rewatch | Review | |
03 | Toy Trouble | 1941 | | |||||
03 | Sniffles Bells the Cat | 1941 | | |||||
03 | Bedtime for Sniffles | 1940 | | |||||
03 | The Egg Collector | 1940 | | |||||
03 | Sniffles Takes a Trip | 1940 | | |||||
17 | His Girl Friday | 1940 | | |||||
18 | Mr. & Mrs. Smith | 1941 | | |||||
18 | The Strawberry Blonde | 1941 | | |||||
01 | On the Town | 1949 | | |||||
09 | The Shop Around the Corner | 1940 | | |||||
01 | To Be or Not to Be | 1942 | | |||||
25 | Cluny Brown | 1946 | | |||||
26 | Going My Way | 1944 | |