
grumweld Patron

Favorite films

  • Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me
  • Le Bonheur
  • Out of the Blue
  • Paper Moon

Recent activity

  • Blue Velvet


  • Nathan for You: Finding Frances


  • House on Haunted Hill


  • High School

Pinned reviews

  • The Whale

    The Whale


    the whale begins with the whale fatly jerking off to gay porn and almost dying. in the same night the whale fatly rolls into bed and takes a big baby bottle sip of diet coke before bedtime. the next morning the whale is on his computer grading essays, the whale fatly opens a drawer of health bars, fatly closes the drawer and fatly turns to a drawer of candy and chocolate. the whale fatly opens this drawer and fatly eats the chocolate while smiling, fatly. and thats not even the first twenty minutes babe. funniest movie ever made

  • The Whale

    The Whale

    i had a dream where at the end of this movie brendan fraser gets in an amublance and is driving really dangerously and at the end of the movie he crashes the ambulance and the final shot is paramedics in hazmat suits scraping his head onto a plate so i guess you could say i;'m pretty pumped

Recent reviews

  • Blue Velvet

    Blue Velvet


    jeffrey beaumont every day after extreme phycho sex and getting his ass beat like hold up lemme try out another earring

    people love to throw out the term “delicious” when referring to things other than food way too freely these days but damn, what a meal. 3 course, food pyramid. hits the spot all day. the way lynch shoots nighttime walks in a small town is so dead on its freaky, the shots up at the trees is like something…

  • Nosferatu


    i love you eggers but you’re bringing me down. 
    sounds good, orlock sucking down all that blood was particularly enchanting. some of it looks good, thomas in that one transylvanian village was pretty cool, good images. awesome sets. lily rose depp is pretty good. sadly that’s pretty much it.
    i really did not like this, very dull and unbelievably unremarkable in terms of being a nosferatu remake, featuring more wholly unremarkable performances by most everyone in the cast, like watching…

Popular reviews

  • You People

    You People

    i could've done without eddie murphy just being a kenya barris self insert only talking about how much he hates bi-racial people

    also the ending where jonah hill gets struck by lightning?? ya'll are you getting this?

  • Spirited



    if they do a christmas carol remake one more fucking time i will shoot ryan reynolds in the face and drive my car into a lake then explode the whole fucking world becuse i am fucking demented