My Best Friend's Exorcism

My Best Friend's Exorcism

An enjoyable but very by the numbers high school possession film. But “that’s not very by the numbers is it?” Well at a high level no but in execution yes. I’ve been on again off again reading this book for like four years now. I’m halfway through it and nothing has really happened yet. It focuses very heavily on the tape survivor metaphor and really dives in there. This film does not. It touches on it and quickly moves onto the next thing in the plot. 

The film gets really fun once the whole exorcism stuff with Christopher Lowell (can we get him into the Chris pantheon and dump Pratt finally? Please?) but it goes by way too fast and opts for some very traditional high school drama resolutions which totally don’t fit with the tone or even the fucking idea of a demonic possession. It’s very silly and borderline stupid but I didn’t hate it. I still had fun and enjoyed this 90 minute horror flick. There’s a lot to like and a bit to love but overall it just falls short in basically every area. Great performances though. No demerits there. 

Now to see if I can ever finish reading the book to see how it overall lines up and if I feel any different.

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