Star Wars

Star Wars

It cannot be overstated just how important
Star Wars was to the history of cinema, and
pop culture in general. Using the writings of Joseph Campbell’s “Hero’s Journey” as a basis George Lucas incorporated many different elements of Kurosawa films, westerns, and swashbuckling sci fi serials like Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers to create a film that felt fresh and new, and gave audiences a sense of fun escapism that had been missing in a cinematic time of gritty, realistic filmmaking. The appeal of Star Wars comes not only from its perfect execution of the classic hero’s journey, but also through its worldbuilding. Despite it being chronologically a middle chapter of a larger story, the original Star Wars manages to do a great job at establishing its world, themes, and characters in a way that makes it accessible to new generations of viewers. You get so sucked into this world easily, and it’s supported by a great cast of characters that you instantly root for, and have great chemistry with each other thanks to a remarkable cast. Star Wars is what many films aspire to be, but few can ever really match. A classic tale of good vs. evil that went beyond the bounds of niche sci-fi fans, and managed to appeal to an entire generation of moviegoers thanks to its mix of classic tropes that had been nearly forgotten in 70’s cinema, and managed to make those tropes feel new and exciting in a fantastic imaginative world that made audiences long for escapism movies again, and aspire to go to a galaxy far, far away.

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