Frogotron’s review published on Letterboxd:
Sorry guys but I, in the year 2024, still think this is pretty good. Phoenix is great and the score is fantastic. Yea it’s quite lame a lot but what comic book movie isn’t? I’d take this over a multiverse slop film any day of the week.
While this isn't the most original film of all time, I am deeply tired of all conversation about this film being dominated by people regurgitating "its a rip-off of Taxi Diver and The King of Comedy" at each other without end. Yes, it's clearly deliberately pulling from those films and evoking a lot of the same imagery. Yes, it tackles similar ideas. That's no clever observation, the casting of De Niro is clearly an admission of these heavy influences. I feel like attempting to make a comic book film that draws heavily from classics like these should be encouraged, and yet it's incredibly common to see the movie dismissed entirely offhand because of its derivative elements. I wonder how many years it will take for Joker to be graced with the word 'homage'.