Finn’s review published on Letterboxd:
While it’s not a terrible movie you can slowly start to feel it getting worse
The acting was questionable bar Ken Watanabe he’s so cool
Thought the monsters were well designed
Ghidorah was badass and I thought the way they described him was great
Godzilla was cool yet again the last movie they actually make him feel the weight he should be
Loved thermo nuclear version of him proper juiced up as it’s said in the movie
Visuals were stunning yet again always a hit
By god the sound design as well unreal
“Goodbye, old friend”
Dr. Serizawa giving his life for Godzilla was the best part of this hands down
“Killing them would be a mistake. They returned because of us. It was our atomic testing that awoke Gojira. Other creatures like the MUTOs. From strip-mining and seismic surveys. But these are not monsters! They are animals, rising to reclaim a world that was once theirs!”
“It almost sounds like you're protecting them, Dr. Serizawa. As if you admire them.”
“I admire all forms of life.”
“Senators. If we hope to survive, we must find ways to coexist with Titans. With Gojira.”