Simon Petley-Jones

Simon Petley-Jones

Favorite films

  • The Company of Wolves
  • Jaws
  • The Lost Boys
  • Paper Moon

Recent activity

  • Wolf


  • Kill


  • Timestalker


  • Something Wild


Recent reviews

  • Wolf



    Rented this back in the day and remember being underwhelmed. Probably down to me expecting more visceral, violent werewolf thrills. Time and re-evaluated expectations have been kind. It's not perfect - certainly loses momentum in it's middle section when it decides to be a bit serious, but as it is, is a nice alternative to the usual. And it is nice to see Prunella Scales sharing a scene with Jack Nicholson.

  • Kill



    I'd like my action bloody and raw with a side order of cheese please!

Popular reviews

  • Napoleon



    A massive film all round - this is a magnificent spectacle which would have rightly blown people's minds back in '27. There is a great deal to enjoy here, from epic, thrillingly edited battle scenes, some very impressive sets and real locales, humour and a triumphant Carl Davis score. Considering the mammoth 5.5 hour running time, for the most part it is remarkably brisk, though drags a little in the 3rd act, but it ain't too long till we're thrown…

  • The Nun

    The Nun


    Oh what a blinding shame. A good cast and some really good visuals are sadly not enough to warrant this any more than a whopping 'meh' on The Conjuring Universe. If you're after the origins of The Nun (you know, from The Conjuring 2) you will be incredibly disappointed. If, however, The Nun you seek is new nun Taissa Farmiga then by jove you'll be as equally let down. A proper polished mess. So disappointing when it should have been so good.