Young and Healthy as a Rose follows Stevan Nikolic, "Stiv", a petty criminal born in Belgrade, and his rise to power along with drugs, sex and with the help of local police.
Young and Healthy as a Rose follows Stevan Nikolic, "Stiv", a petty criminal born in Belgrade, and his rise to power along with drugs, sex and with the help of local police.
Mlad i zdrav kao ruža, Young ANd Healthy As A Rose, Jovem E Fresco Como Uma Alface, Молодой и здоровый, как роза, 像玫瑰一样年轻健康
film koji je dva puta prikazan pre nego sto je nezvanicno zabranjen. nakon toga mu se gubi svaki trag do ponovnog prikazivanja na festu 2006. godine. film koji je govorio o šurovanju kriminalaca i policajaca 20 godina pre nego sto su arkan, legija, giska i ostali dobili znacke drzavne bezbednosti. zbog toga je i bio zabranjen. reziser jovan jovanovic je nakon toga glumio u adaptaciji dekamerona kod pazolinija
ceo film odise atmosferom francuskog novog talasa, pogotovo godarom, pa neke scene podsecaju na ludog pjera, a neke su scene direktno uzete iz filma do poslednjeg daha. snimano je rucnom kamerom i jako stilizovano, verovatno da poveca osecaj da je ovo zapravo dokumentarac. u filmu ima scena ubrizgavanja heroina i iskreno bas…
Ovo je, bre, veci trep od bilo kakvog trepa koji se snima u Srbiji.
Atlanta atmosfera u Jugi, pretocena u sedamdesetak minuta, koja je zavrsila u vremenskoj kapsuli (jer je bila ekvivalent hellraiser kocki za komunjare) i izasla na svetlost dana 3 decenije kasnije, jer je komitet namirisao pandan Paklenoj pomorandzi, al vise po strahu od uticaja na mlade ex-yu lavove.
Moraju da se izredjaju crowdpleaseri za remaster u Kinoteci, da bi ovo doslo na red kod kulturica beogradske ekipe, a da je ovo izaslo 90ih, otkrili bi ga 2060e, jer bi ga decenijama smatrali kicem, vrv.
P.s. This movie >>>>> Godard's Breathless. Deal with it.
This is the description we get of our main character:
" Stevan Nikolic, aka Steve, born in 1945 in Belgrade; parents George and Aleksandra. Ex-pioneer, ex-member of People's Youth and Socialist Union, ex-youth activist, ex-member of Communist party. Of working class extraction. Trained car mechanic. Ran away from home. Petty thief. Stole cars. Influenced by wrong people in movies. Tried to emigrate. During his time in the army he kept up his antisocial behaviour. All correctional efforts failed. Eight months of military prison. Lacked respect for officers. Brought whores to army barracks. Pimped them to naive soldiers. Impregnated local girls. Drank in pubs on officers' tabs. Brought liqueur to barracks. Slept on duty. Fought with military police. Stole an army…
"What was the movie about?
Nothing, it's Godard."
Such a peculiar little film, whose origin story i'm almost more intruiged by than the finished product. Of course, the film itself is .. something. Radical, frenetic and filled with youthful nihilism, punctuated with a few ironic nods to other New Wave movements, but the mere fact that something of this nature was even able to be made in Socialist Yugoslavia, if banned right after release, is one hell of an achievement.