Watergate was wrong. Martha was right.
A modern take on the 1970s political Watergate scandal centering on untold stories and forgotten characters of the time.
A modern take on the 1970s political Watergate scandal centering on untold stories and forgotten characters of the time.
Sam Esmail Robbie Pickering Matt Ross Chad Hamilton Lisa Roberts Gillan Marisa Yeres Gill Julia Roberts Gabriel Roth Josh Levin Amelia Gray
I wish I could log more shows on here so I could bitch about shows as trash as this — a parade of poor decisions (the scattershot blandly liberal politics that nullify the issues of its irl lead for easy faux feminist points about gaslighting and abuse, horribly structured and emotionally composed narrative, poor acting, performances that break the tonality etc etc). Julia Roberts has never been a star I was fully enamored with but I can admit her prowess. But here not even her charisma can paper over the utterly aimless fury of this series.
Plot was meh, I think the movie DICK with Michelle Williams and Kirsten Dunst tells the story better. Julia Roberts though, gee-whiz she is a firecracker, what a complete joy she was here in this, I forgot she had these types of performances in her. Brilliant work, Julia.
Also, Martha, what an unsung hero of history.
“You’re gonna have to get your dick out of the butterchurn on this one.”
Watergate is one of the most momentous events of my lifetime, proof that justice would prevail, that bad guys could not get away with a coverup, that political power does not provide immunity to abuse of said power. Ah, the olden days, when things were so much simpler.
The biggest question about Watergate is why it had to happen. When John Mitchell (Sean Penn) proposes a dirty-tricks campaign to John Dean (Dan Stevens), the latter wants to know why something like this is necessary since Nixon has a nineteen-point lead over McGovern in the polls. Mitchell replies, “We are good men. We are men of integrity.…
Man bursts into tears. Says, 'But doctor…I am G. Gordon Liddy.'
Good joke. Everybody laugh. Roll on snare drum. Curtains.
Despite going down in history as the "The Saturday Night Massacre" nobody actually died the night Nixon sent armed National Guardsmen to his own Attorney General's office in order to hide evidence from a judge.
But where Nixon ruled by martial order (and inept subterfuge) Trump knows his success depends on chaos.
So last Jan. 6th, dwarfing Nixon's authoritarian gambit, an angry mob with swastikas tattooed on their chests and waiving Confederate flags stormed the US Capital where they beat several cops to death and all of the rioters (All. Of. Them.) have all said the same thing: "Trump sent me."
Having heard his share of Liddy's fucknutz whackadoo schemes involving kidnapping and prostitutes that faded into the background, John…
No matter recent developments in media consumption, no matter their genre and no matter their subject – TV shows will always have a slightly different target and actual audience than movies. They will always be a more fleeting than films, thus a little more contemporary. It is very clear, that the US recently uses the nature of TV shows to come to terms with their country's historically evolved and historically troubled culture by dealing with past political and pop-cultural scandals, Pam & Tommy (2022) is another example. Just like Gaslit (2022), it accounts for society's wrongdoings against women by telling "their side of the (hi)story" that has only been told by men before, and labels it "truth".
The question is, however, how…
Wow this was brilliant. Very engaging narratively, amazing performances all around, especially Julia Roberts, Sean Penn, Dan Stevens and Betty Giplin. Emmy nominations are a must. Sam Esmail produce more shows please
Watched the first two episodes, and I’m intrigued. It was a bit hard to follow along because I know almost nothing really about watergate or any historic events leading up to it but it’s definitely interesting and Julia Roberts’s character is the most interesting
Overall, inconsistent: very good scenes constantly butted heads with pretty bad ones. I’m certainly glad I watched it all; it was a good history lesson colourfully told, although the acting overall was perhaps too colourful. At the end of the day Sean Penn - surprise - gave the most grounded and believable performance.
it’s a serve !
about damn time i found a piece of media that effectively explains the watergate scandal to me because god knows all the presidents men went straight over my head lmao
incredible performances and the finale was just exquisite (wolf alice playing during the final scenes we love to see it)
go watch it or you’re gonna miss out on some great tv !!
The sad truth is that democracy in this country would likely have come to an end long ago if the people who tried to subvert it weren’t such bungling idiots. In hindsight, what happened in the early 1970s during the Nixon Administration seems almost farcical, but at the time, it was an alarming culmination of years of corruption and overreach running rampant in the White House, ranging from how the FBI was managed to the state of affairs in Vietnam. The Watergate Affair, in the grand scheme of things, seems like a ridiculous event to oust a government. But it was by no means a one-off transgression that didn’t track with the way Nixon ran his government. “Gaslit” shines a…