The Creator

The Creator

This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

This review may contain spoilers.

The primary reason that I watched this film is because it was nominated for two Academy Awards--Best Sound and Best Visual Effects. I regret not being able to watch this in a theater with the amazing projection and sound system, I don't feel like I got the full experience.

But even on my living room 60" TV and with only my high quality soundbar, this film was a visual and sound feast. The effects were amazing from the AI characters to the towns and spaceship weapons of war. Unfortunately, the story was not as strong. It had almost as many holes in the plot as the simulants had in their heads. It was an interesting choice to make the US Military the bad guys and the AI the good guys, but at least that made me feel a little bit better about the eminent robot takeover (not really, we'd all be at the mercy of those who program the robots--still humans). I was also unconvinced at the romance part of the story, they just did not seem like a great match or that they had that much in common other than a need to be a plot device.

So, The Creator was an OK movie with great effects and great sound...and I am OK with movies like that every now and then.

Edit: I sometimes forget to mark a review as Contains Spoilers when I should. I write almost all of my reviews more as a discussion of the film with those who have watched rather than a review for someone to decide if they want to see the film or not. I leave that to the pros.

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