To Have and Have Not

To Have and Have Not

So I watched The Breaking Point a few months ago and it become one of my favorites of all time. Had no idea the story was based on an Ernest Hemingway story until tonight when I put this Bogey film on and realized the stories were sort of similar. Well this film came first and they are both based off of the Hemingway story but they are both quite different even though they follow the same basic plot line. Fantastic film to say the least. I’d say it’s a masterpiece to be honest. Don’t understand why this isn’t Casablanca famous because to me this is miles better than that. Maybe it’s just me but Bogey and Bacall have much better chemistry. I mean come on they were married for Christ sake (Also don’t understand the hype of Ingrid Bergman either but that’s another story). This is further proof Howard Hawks was a genius. The character Eddie will forever live in my head lol. Don’t have a single bad thing to say about this and will definitely be adding to my collection. Highly recommend.

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