erdinç ᱬ

erdinΓ§ ᱬ Patron

Favorite films

  • The Map of Tiny Perfect Things
  • La La Land
  • We Live in Time
  • Interstellar

Recent activity

  • The Map of Tiny Perfect Things


  • The Map of Tiny Perfect Things


  • The Map of Tiny Perfect Things


  • The Map of Tiny Perfect Things


Pinned reviews

  • The Map of Tiny Perfect Things

    The Map of Tiny Perfect Things


    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

    " Most of life is junk, right? It's-it's filler. And then there's these moments when all randomness turns into something perfect. It's like life's dropping all the bullshit just for a second to show us how amazing it could be all the time if it wanted to."

    " It's true that we're losing time every day, all the time until one day it's all gone. But you're gaining it too. Every second perfect moments, one after the other, until the…

  • La La Land

    La La Land


    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

    middle of the movie: life is beautiful
    end of the movie..

    Let's face it, it's a horror movie, and one of the best.

    You open the movie and you feel warmth and joy in a colorful and fun environment where everyone is dancing and singing, almost β€œlike a dream”. Until dreams intersect with reality.
    Even though Mia's last words to Sebastian were β€œI'm always gonna love you”, the fact that she marries someone else and has a child makes you…

Recent reviews

  • Fantastic Four

    Fantastic Four


    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

    the scene where suzan takes off her clothes in front of everyone πŸ’€

    I mean yeah, If there was no such thing as average this movie would be that. Reed is a bit boring suzan takes over the beauty part, ben is depressed and it's like johnny is carrying the whole movie. Good but not smooth, villain's development is very slow, it's clear from the beginning of the movie that he'll be a villain and he turns into a villain…

  • The Avengers

    The Avengers


    damn that 360 scene is still woos me literally, film is a bit long because it acts as a building block and the real action starts in the last half hour, which can lead to some boredom. It's not exactly perfect, but it's above average.

    Let's cut the short; scarlett johansson? yeah.

Popular reviews

  • We Live in Time

    We Live in Time


    This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

    tbh these type of movies not for me but this movie is done the job, it's a romantic-drama movie, it's more of a drama-heavy movie, but the drama part of the movie never makes you overwhelmed. It's exactly as it should be, it made me feel warm and sad while I was watching it, and at the same time, this narrative style is similar to this and this which is fine stands out from others of its kind, maybe you…

  • Captain America: The First Avenger

    Captain America: The First Avenger


    Not a perfect soldier but a good man.

    Well it's nice, I don't know why, but that scene where steve turns into captain america is very meaningful to me he's always a kid from brooklyn but now he's stronger and he can help people. Battle scenes are adequate, not disturbing character development is good and satisfying, overall an above average movie at least for me. Also I believe in peggy carter supremacy πŸ›πŸ›

    Here are some notable quotes;

    + That…