

I didn’t think I would watch this in a theater again but I had to take advantage of watching it in 35mm! Apparently, Universal lent out 80 copies of 35mm film of Oppenheimer to different theaters, so it was a rare experience to watch it in that format 🙏🏼 

I love the attention to detail in this movie. Such as Richard Feynman playing the bongos during the Christmas party (besides being a physicist, he was also a good bongo player) and Oppenheimer using lime and honey to rim the martini glass, as he liked doing that in real life. However, my favorite cameo/Easter egg is the appearance of Kurt Gödel. He is considered one of the greatest mathematicians in history and came up with his incompleteness theorems. He appears in the scene in which Oppenheimer goes to Princeton to talk to Albert Einstein and Kurt Gödel is right next to him. Einstein says “he’s scared the Nazis are going to poison him” or something like that. In real life, Gödel was so paranoid the Nazis were going to poison him that he made his wife cook his food. When she got deathly sick and had to go to the hospital, he decided to starve to death. He only weighed about 65 lbs (29 kg) at the time of his death. I mean, at least he didn’t get poisoned so a win is a win I guess… 

Anyway, this movie is a masterpiece! Idk if it’s better than Interstellar since that one has a special place in my heart, BUT it’s really close.

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