ale ❤︎

ale ❤︎

Favorite films

  • Bound
  • Scream
  • Saw
  • The Young Girls of Rochefort

Recent activity

  • Nosferatu


  • Wolf Man


  • The Boogeyman


  • Lisa Frankenstein


Recent reviews

  • Nosferatu



    nosferatu is haunting, nightmarish, hypnotically scary and beautiful. and it’s even better on a rewatch. simply unforgettable.

    ★ my first nosferatu review ★

  • Wolf Man

    Wolf Man


    not entirely bad, just average. and not memorable at all. christopher abbott and julia garner’s acting is on point. the cinematography is great and i was very impressed by the camera work and nice visuals. however, the pacing is too slow to the point it gets slightly boring. there are a few decent jumpscare but overall i think they played too safe with this movie and, in my opinion, they should’ve dared more. it definitely needed more action. enjoyable (to an extent) but not outstanding. just forgettable, unfortunately. i’m relatively torn between giving it 2 and half stars or three stars… i’ll probably need a rewatch.

Popular reviews

  • Queer



    “i’m not queer. i’m disembodied.”

    yet another film with a stunning cinematography and beautiful sequences. queer portrays the story of a man who struggles with addiction, acceptance and desire for love through metaphors and visually appealing scenes. although i’m not too fond of the second half of the film and its pacing, which to me felt like a whole different movie, it’s still very solid and enjoyable. definitely worth the watch!

  • Lisa Frankenstein

    Lisa Frankenstein


    what a charming horror comedy! but it’s not perfect and it doesn’t need to be. lisa frankenstein’s visuals are eye-catching, colorful, quirky. and the addition of the stylish 80’s fashion and top notch music hypnotises you into sticking until the end. even though i didn’t really enjoy the pacing and how the storyline falls weak in some parts, kathryn newton’s phenomenal performance makes up for everything. the humour is just what you’d expect it to be: a mixture of dark and “over the top”, but definitely the right balance of the two. if you’re looking for some silly fun, this is for you!