Black Widow

Black Widow

Rating change since my last viewing:
Was: 3.5 stars
Now: 3.5 stars (No change.)

Black Widow is a character in the MCU I’ve never been particularly crazy about, so a movie solely based around her character isn’t something I was clamoring for.

I think I would’ve rather had an MCU film entry focused around Hawkeye and Kate Bishop and had Black Widow relegated to a Disney+ limited series instead. Or maybe just give them both stand alone films instead of Disney+ exclusive content?

This is enjoyable enough and works for me for the most part, but I still think the better parts of this are David Harbour and Florence Pugh.

Without all the superhero stuff, this feels like it could even work as an entry into the Mission: Impossible franchise.

Good, but nowhere near the best in Phase 4.


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