absolute fuckwit. total trash fire. chaos vortex. filmfucker 5000. I’m the filmfucker baby

Favorite films

  • Cemetery Man
  • The Killing of a Sacred Deer
  • Hard to Be a God
  • Blade Runner

Recent activity

  • TEKKEN: Blood Vengeance

  • Enemy of the State


  • Déjà Vu


  • His Girl Friday


Recent reviews

  • TEKKEN: Blood Vengeance

    TEKKEN: Blood Vengeance

    I really don’t know what I expected.

  • Enemy of the State

    Enemy of the State


    I feel like I enjoyed this movie more as a dumb teenager and now find it a little difficult when I would say 60% of the people I know start ranting about government surveillance apparatus when their WiFi is slow, but also post along with every instagram trend about providing personal and historical data, so who knows how much they’re actually worried. consistency is for turkeys, I always said. then again, the people I know who are actually worried about…

Popular reviews

  • The Pervert's Guide to Cinema

    The Pervert's Guide to Cinema


    as a kind of social experiment I’ve put this on in the background at parties and other social gatherings and thanks to the clips of other movies and Zizek being copy-pasted into them, it inevitably takes a good long while until someone is like “hey, why is a russian raccoon with a head cold trying to tell me The Birds is about wanting to fuck my mom?” 

    there’s something hypnotic about Zizek that works even on people with no inherent…

  • The Rise of Jordan Peterson

    The Rise of Jordan Peterson


    I, too, had never taken a basic sociology class and was thusly blown away by the impossible brain power of Jordan Peterson, a man so intellectually formidable that a Slovenian trash panda with a persistent cold obliterated him harder than an amateur nineteen year old on pornhub’s black cock friday.
