

"Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds." ...

Three hours of continuous greatness. Nolan presented the heaviest, longest, and best movie in his career, and the best movie of the year, jointly with Across the Spider-Verse.A great and unforgettable masterpiece. Wonderful directing by Nolan, as usual. The visual effects are very beautiful, but the sound effects were one of the best things in the movie. Incredible, very amazing. And the sound track is one of the best things I heard after the movie. I counted it a lot, and the acting performances, especially from Cillian Murphy, were literally Oscars. He carried a large proportion in terms of acting performances, and Robert Downey Jr. was wonderful. Matt Damon was also beautiful. Emily Blunt was nice, although I did not know anything about her story or her past, which were not present in the movie at all, except for superficial things that are not mentioned. It would have been better if we knew her more, and Jason Clarke was also wonderful in the role of Roger Robb, and the rest of them performed well or not, such as Rami Malek and Gary Oldman, who only appeared very few, especially Gary Oldman, whom I did not know existed until after the movie. The timelines were beautifully elaborate. Also, the moment of the bomb test was amazing, one of the best moments in the movie, and for sure the ending shot with Albert Einstein shivered a lot in the movie and was stunned, even the speed of the beats My heart increased, especially the last shot, an unforgettable cinematic experience, especially watching it in the cinema, a masterpiece, an Oscar movie, one of the best films of the decade, absolutely amazing.

"It's not a new weapon. It's a new world."

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