There are so many meticulous repeated shots that when a new one appears over two or three hours in it just made me go “holy shit”
Wild at Heart 1990
As soon as it started I was like oh yeah this is one of my favourite films ever made
Taipei Story 1985
Loneliness in the neon city. Lots of what Yang would build on in both Mahjong and Yi Yi, but it all still shines bright here. Excellent.
Basic Training 1971
A successor to High School. That film shows the school system's ideology that its students are just 'bodies', and this film shows where those bodies are headed. Brutal.
Easy Rider 1969
America fucks you till you die. Whole cast is amazing but Nicholson is electrifying.
High School 1968
Respect, shame, sex and youth in the shadow of Vietnam. Wiseman almost fully formed already by his second feature.
Raining in the Mountain 1979
King Hu pretty much mastered the craft of filmmaking. So ideologically and religiously interesting and complex, so tantalising in its combination of heist and wuxia. Every shot in this will leave your mouth agape.