Bradley’s review published on Letterboxd:
I had high hopes for this, but I thought it failed its intriguing premise. I was very into the first third. It’s visually appealing and Stan does a great job portraying the isolation associated with Edward’s condition. But then the neighbor enters. She is no doubt hot and plays a very cute flirt, but it undermines the entire premise of the movie that this gorgeous, literal-girl-next-door would develop feelings for Edward. And from there it just gets worse: there are a lot of goofy impracticalities of Edward’s transformation into Guy that I won’t belabor here, then finally Oswald enters and you are meant to see him as this perfect foil to Edward/Guy. Here’s a person whose charisma conquers his condition. But it’s ridiculous! Only a person with pretty-privilege or charisma-privilege would believe that anyone can be a successful person with a hot wife if they just ~be themselves~.
Maybe something went over my head and this wasn’t the straightforward metaphor it seemed, but regardless it didn’t work for me.