

I am not a fan of Ritchie's hyper stylised way of film making. It is often crammed with unnecessary visual static that feels like him constantly trying to make us aware of how cool and talented he is.

And yet this film kicks all kinds of ass. The plot is all over the place and almost seems like a connected string of hilarious and action packed sketches. Where Ritchie fails to find any real coherence and only manages to provide us with the incidental bit of genius visual creativity, it is the cast that pulls through.

There is simply no performance that doesn't convince or entertain. They carry the material to greater heights and make this one of the finest crime comedies ever.

For me personally, two stand out. The always excellent Dennis Farina is amazing and Brad Pitt gives perhaps his strongest and definitely his most hilarious performance ever. His performance alone justifies seeing this.

This is a solid piece of entertainment carried by the excellence of a cast that brought its a-game.

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