director, comedian, screenwriter, and then a fourth job but that one is a joke. big dummy, not a cinephile.
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Drive My Car 2021
my therapist likes to stop me whenever i criticize myself with the word ‘should,' that i should feel some way, that i should have done something. we stop and dig into this statement until i get to the root of it and try to understand how i've internalized whatever idea or feeling or action is meant to be "correct" or "normal." it's a hard thing for me to do because it's always easiest to lightly lean on myself as the…
Nomadland 2020
when they say "money can't buy happiness" it's meant in a very direct and temporary sense, though it's crucially wrong in that money can unlock security and comfort in ways that can make you happy. but it can't buy freedom.
wealth is nothing more than a mound of dirt. and from atop that mound you can see so much more than you could from the floor. but you can't stand on top of the mound without it slowly eroding below…
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It's a Wonderful Life 1946
had a good run of accidentally watching movies about jewish pain and intended to wake up this morning and watch another one to complete the four last watched… thought hey maybe it’s time I watch Yentl… then my parents came over for christmas and put on It’s A Wonderful Life. pissin me tf off. i been in a mood all day. just stirring a pot of gravy all quiet. mom asked me what’s wrong and I threw a wet spoon…