
DeathB4Dinosaur  Patron

Favorite films

  • The Dark Knight
  • The Shining
  • Taxi Driver
  • Apocalypse Now

Recent activity

  • Scream 3


  • Saturday Night


  • The Curse of Frankenstein


  • The Void


Recent reviews

  • Scream 3

    Scream 3


    What. The. Fuck.

    I kinda enjoyed this one. I remembered hating it the most out of all Scream movies, but really loved the studio setting and found the try to connect all three films with an overarching villain a commendable idea that sadly did not work out cause said villain was horribly unscary and miscast.

  • Saturday Night

    Saturday Night


    Pretty fun, but unfocused and borderline illegible for anyone who is not at least somewhat familiar with the first season or at least episode of SNL and 70s pop culture. 
    Good production, direction, performances, some stuff gets a bit cheesy and convenient at points. An absolute must for SNL fans.

    Also: please, Willem. Take a break. Please? I used to love you… now when you pop up on EVERY MOVIE I groan.

Popular reviews

  • Malum



    Sometimes, more is less. 

    Its funny that DiBlasi remade his own movie, The Last Shift, but seemingly misunderstood what worked about it. Feeling alone with the protagonist. Feeling stuck in that one location. Slow build up to the more overt horror. Instead of any of that, Malum (he probably wanted to call it Paymon but couldn’t cause Hereditary came out) just has a slightly bigger budget, a shit ton of unneeded flashbacks and over explanation, and way more gore. I…

  • Prisoners



    I absolutely adore this one. It almost feels like a South Korean thriller sensibility, opposed to what you normally see from American thrillers. It’s so uncompromisingly dark and harrowing, which I enjoy like most people enjoy lighter fare.

    Gyllenhaal’s Detective Loki is the standout and I would wish we could see him again, working another case and learn more, but at the same time, all the hints at a rich backstory are almost more fun like they are here: completely…