The Lobster

The Lobster

There is no doubt Yorgos creative mind is twisted, he got problems and I just want to comprehend what is going on his disturbing weird head. The Lobster has one of the most woke premises I had ever seen, such a sinester, dark and somehow goofy movie. I have to admit that the last act was the reason why I didn’t gave this film a full five stars because I felt it was quite predictable and not quite as chilling as the rest of the movie, nonetheless I really liked this wicked world full of loners and people desperate for a soulmate, but on this situation I rather be a loner even though I doubt I will resist that much uncertainty. I will classify this film as a dark satire comedy, because is so funny without even trying, like I felt represented with the girl dancing on the woods throwing legs and having a wavy movement quality because same girl I will danced that way!!. If you ask me what animal I want to be if I didn’t make it after 45 days, first of all on my last night I would watch “Singing In The Rain” or “Hello Dolly” because I want to watch a comforting cozy movie and what a better way to retire my human self than remember my musical Threather enthusiastic days and what animal I want to be? Definitely a Giraffe, for not a specific reason or purpose, I just want to be a beautiful sophisticated elongated giraffe :).

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