An alphabetical list of all the Criterion Collection films I currently own.
My Physical Film Collection. 💿
The 4K's. Blu-Ray's. And DVD's I physically own.
NEON Ranked
My personal ranking of all the NEON Rated films I've seen thus far.
Top 100 Films of All Time. 🏆
My current top 100 films of all-time alphabetized.
Top 31 Horrors 😱
My personal favorite horror/thriller films ranked.
Scott Ranked
My personal ranking of all the Ridley Scott films I've seen thus far.
The Eggman 🥚
Personal ranking of one of my current favorite working Directors filmography, Robert Eggers!
A24 Ranked
My personal ranking of all the A24 films I've seen thus far.
Mia Gypsy Mello da Silva Goth
"I want to seem completely bare. Especially when I'm reading for a role. I want to reveal myself in the…
K's Favorites 🍿
Films Kristen Stewart has gone on record claiming to be her personal favorites. Or personal favorites she has worked on.
The X Factor 🪓
My personal ranking of Ti West's X trilogy.
My personal ranking of Damien Leone's sadistic, dark comedy throwback slasher franchise, TERRIFIER.