Rear Window

Rear Window

Rear Windows is my first viewing of an Alfred Hitchcock film, and it was a thrilling experience to watch it for the first time. I don't tend to watch any movies before 1990, I don't know why. The oldest movie I watched before Rear Windows was the 1976 film Rocky.

I watched this at night by myself and I'm gonna be honest, it had me a bit scared. Imagining that someone is watching me through my window or behind me and observing my actions. Maybe I just don't like being watched. Someone critiquing your movement and actions with their eyes.

Rear Windows was a masterpiece of a mystery and thriller and the climax of the film was intense in every aspect. James Stewart and Grace Kelly had amazing chemistry together as a couple. And my god she is so beautiful and classy, and her voice was like a southern angel from heaven.

The way the movie was filmed from James Stewart's view point, confined and trapped in his apartment only being able to see outside his window. Gave the film a nice feel of claustrophobia and being helpless. I was expecting him to get up and leaves his apartment during the climax like in The Simpsons' Rear Windows inspired episode. But Hitchcock kept the film and protagonist inside his home for the whole duration of the film. Which was great! You feel scared and helpless with James Stewart as the intense climax of the film begins.

Overall the film was a masterpiece and thrilling experience. Now time to watch some more of Hitchcock's films.

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