The Godfather Part II

The Godfather Part II

I’m struggling to write this review, as it is 2am and my eyes can barely stay open. I managed to stay awake for the entirety of the movie though.

This, much like the first, was also great. I’m not sure it was as good as the first, I’ll have to let that settle in. But saying a movie is better than the first is definitely an achievement, and part 2 has that achievement in its grasp. Part 2 was also much harder to understand, which I’m not sure if it was me being tired or drained out from watching 6 hours of The Godfather straight. Every decision the characters make is boiled down to Coppola’s incredible directing. I wish part 2 had reached the same magnitude of climax as the original did, but that was just me.

I will not be watching the third movie until tomorrow morning, as another nearly 3-hour movie at this hour will kill me. See y’all then.

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