Deadpool & Wolverine

Deadpool & Wolverine

A wildly funny comic book film, with incredible action scenes and visuals, but kind of a lame duck plot. This film came at a time where the MCU really didn't have any clue what the future would look like, which made it impossible to have this film tie into the future and not just be a one off. So they made the plot center around the real life Fox/Disney buyout and just brought back characters that have been forgotten. This feels like a full copout to me and somewhat of a waste in bringing these two iconic characters together. Also Channing Tatum as Gambit was a miss for me. Yes, he was funny, but it was hard to take one of my favorite comic book characters seriously at all.

Though I did take issue with the plot and some of the characters, the central performances from Jackman and Reynolds were pretty amazing, and really satisfied my geek brain. The Wolverine suit/mask was absolutely sick. 10 year old me was losing his shit.

While I can admit this was a good film despite the shaky plot, I still expected this to be 5 stars. It just wasn't for me. I love Deadpool as a character and have been a pretty big fan of the movies, but they've definitely gotten worse witch each release. Hard to deny that.

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