Too tired to have a pissing contest
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The Man Who Sleeps 1974
الإنسان جشع، وجشعه مرعب
You yearn for something you can never claim
You yearn over something you can’t handle
You want more than what you have
You want less than what you have
You could never stay on a scale and a measure where you could ever be satisfied with
You seek then claim it is too dull
You never seek and claim it is too dull
You crave this undesirable character yet in your heart you’re not even half pleased
You would pinch any body part of yours just to feel something due to nothing being around.. because of you -
Perfect Blue 1997
Who am I?
What am I?A Question I Ask Myself
With the dark, fractured mirrors reflecting my destiny, scripted by heroin-poets, I wonder:
In less than a quarter of a second, you could die in a car crash.
In less than a quarter of a second, you might make a decision that seems life-changing, only to regret it forever.
In less than a quarter of a second, you could stab someone.
And me? I…
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The Handmaiden 2016
Asians can write THE FUCK OUT OF SHIT
Newborn babies>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>LOVING BOOBS