Liam Barrett’s review published on Letterboxd:
Dunno why but when the “AM’ZON MGM STUDIOS” credit came up at the start I wen’ fuckin’ “OOOOOOOO.” Ain’t even sure this’s the firs’ one thass come out recen’ly where thass bin there or not, it jus’ proper fuckin’ WALLOPED me. Maybe it’s coz I watched it on the day the WWE sale got made final. Brave new fuckin’ worl’ over ‘ere fer me Boss. Hmmm. Strange.
Anyway, movie woz nice. I woz strugglin’ t’come up with a way’ve describin’ it that didn’t make it soun’ like I though’ it woz great, an’ I didn’t wanna use “CUTE” coz thassa REALLY loaded-feelin’ word t’me these days, all I see’s people usin’ it on flicks where they didn’t hate it but they still wanna be a bit cuntish to it. “NICE” I reckon covers where I’m at with it, jus’ two Bes’ Frien’s bakin’ quirky cakes an’ gettin’ drunk an’ dealin’ with inop’rable Cancer. A couple times it gets close ya turning int’a its own Simpsons parody’ve itself, like the bit where they’re rowin’ in the street ‘bout how much their sitcom sucks an’ one’ve ‘em sez “AS YER CAREGIVER” fully fuckin’ unironic’ly b’fore they make up an’ act like nuthin’ happened five secon’s later, an’ BOTH sets’ve their parents seem like they’re fuckin’ aliens, but it ain’t anythin’ dreadful.
Also like… the brain tumour stuff hit me harder’n I woz expectin’ it t’be. Me Mum’s had two’ve ‘em, if ya ever wonder why when I forget sumthin’ I alway say it’s coz’ve a tumour, THASS fuckin’ why, it’s a PROP’LY dark in-joke, an’ like this ain’t the gritties’ movie ‘bout the topic ever fuckin’ made, but there’s stuff in this that grabbed me a tiny bit. Like when the girl has ‘er firs’ seizure an’ gets tol’ she can’t havva bath on ‘er own anymore ‘case it happens ag’in, like I remember bein’ in the room fer that fuckin’ conversation. The mem’ry loss stuff’s too fuckin’ real, the keepin’ve the Chemo mask… well me Mum didn’t keep ‘ers I FUCKIN’ DID coz I though’ it looked Metal an’ she still thinks I’m weird fer it t’this day but wotever. The one that really slapped me woz the bit in the hospital where Tumour Girl sez she don’t need rubber sheets coz she ain’t gonna piss ‘erself an’ I foun’ meself lit’rally thinkin’, “Ya never think yer gonna piss yer fuckin’ bed up to an’ includin’ the day ya act’uly do piss in yer fuckin’ bed.” Thassa though’ ya only have thro lived fuckin’ experience, know wot I mean?
Extra half-a-star fer havin’ Bette Midler show up in two scenes fer the mos’ knowin’ bit’ve Stunt Castin’ I’ve ever fuckin’ seen. THEN minus half-a-star back off fer the Christmas Kale Cake. Fuck out’ve ‘ere with that shit. Jesus died on the cross an’ washed away yer fuckin’ sins an’ ya do THIS in ‘is fuckin’ name.