Godard didactically deconstructs consumerism by using the vehicle of beautiful products and tells us what he’s thinking… without ever really telling us. The form either is the function or is fully in the way depending on where you sit. It’s got a bit of venom for commercialism but understands there’s an art in selling something — movies too must be a handshake between art and commerce for them to exist and be distributed properly.
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I Confess 1953
Ascetic Hitchcock about the privilege of Catholic Confessions. A Priest is privy to a murder, told to him in confession, and he must either admit to what was confessed or become a top suspect himself.
The distinct Québécois setting shot in black-and-white is a visual treat, that brings me back to a day spent visiting Quebec cathedrals before taking in First Reformed in the theater.
That Alfred Hitchcock has such a large filmography means that the Pretty Good movies in…
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The Color Purple 2023
The new The Color Purple comes down to a matter of construction. This is an adaptation not of the Alice Walker book, but of the stage musical that adapted the book, so there is a layer of removal from Steven Spielberg’s more true-to-the-text epistolary approach. What we end up getting, as so often happens with stage musicals brought to screen, is a movie that doesn’t quite work out the new value of filming the presentation, and does not formally redesign…
Wonder Woman 1984 2020
The palpable disappointment on my four year old’s face is the most damning review of the year.