

“I’m afraid of time”

Time is the second most valuable and scariest thing to exist, 1st being how people spend it. I remember watching Interstellar on the big screen as a kid, but it never clicked and it never really made sense to me. I thought it was a movie about space and science, which explains why I’ve been avoiding it ever since then. The meaning this movie holds that’s hidden in a story about space and planets is unreal. The way it talks about many aspects of life such as betrayal, wrath, love, family, and REGRET. That one scene where Cooper was shouting at the top of his lungs trying to stop his past self was horrifying. Actual goosebumps. I haven’t cried while watching a movie since forever but the scene where Murph and Cooper finally meet again shattered me. I would kill for my family if I needed to and my biggest fear is losing them. Please spend time with your loved ones no matter how awkward it gets or how boring it sometimes may be. Nothing will matter until you stand over their grave while mourning them trying to think of a single memory you had but you can't think of any.

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