Brandon ✝️’s review published on Letterboxd:
My sister invited me to watch it before the two previous films in this trilogy. So screw it, I’ve seen almost all of them up to this point. I am pretty disappointed with how this film turned out sadly.
I think it focused way too much on Corey, he got on my nerves after a while because he chews up so many scenes. Also, the big twist was so predictable. I can appreciate the filmmakers for trying something new, but it doesn’t for the last film. If you were expecting Michael Myers to be in the film a lot, you’ll be disappointed.
The first two acts were really boring, there’s very little action and nothing much happens till the last 20 minutes. I also found some of the writing is be insanely forced, the one-dimensional bullies, the romantic subplot for Corey and Allyson, and Allyson blaming her grandmother for everything.
The climax is enjoyable and serves as an alright conclusion. It kinda sucks you have to deal with the boring moments before you can get into the good part. So, it doesn’t save the film regardless. The acting from the cast and the technical aspects are still pretty good. There’s one kill that was very amusing, if you seen the movie you know what scene I’m referring to.
Halloween Ends up as a rotten pumpkin at the end of the day. It’s an underwhelming “finale” to a franchise that should’ve stopped long ago.