The Lady Eve

The Lady Eve

"If you waited for a man to propose to you from natural causes, you'd die of old maidenhood."

Someone should have nominated Henry Fonda for possibly doing the most pratfalls in a film ever and then looking as sad and dumbfounded as a person can look afterwards. It is only natural of course that he'd be falling for Barbara Stanwyck, even if perhaps too literally, because even after so many decades she's got little to no competition at being the most alluring seductress to ever grace the silver screen. Being bald, I shall begin to lament nothing in my life more now other than the fact that I could never experience the eroticism and gentleness with which Barbara Stanwyck strokes Henry Fonda's hair while lounging seductively on a chair beside him in a scene that feels like a sumptuous half of the entire film even though it really only lasts four minutes — but what an unforgettable four minutes!

I'm glad the Criterion Collection released this film as it had been on my list of interest for years now after seeing an ingenious scene from it once, in which Barbara Stanwyck comments on the clumsy attempts of other girls trying to attract the attention of Henry Fonda's character while she is watching them by way of her pocket mirror. 

"They look too much alike to be the same!"

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