The Substance

The Substance

I wouldn't say I'm a fan of Revenge (2017), it was a good R&R film but beyond that it didn't do much for me to think it's brilliant but I respect it and took note of the director in the hopes that they'd wow me eventually. Seeing the trailer for this one when I caught Longlegs in theaters got me kind of hyped as I immediately knew who the director was that combined with a trailer promising body horror got me very excited for this one. Amazing cinematography in this, just like in Revenge, its top notch, just so beautiful, it's almost Kubrickian. The film sorta makes me think something like if Showgirls was a body horror film, like Screaming Mad George made it or something. Pretty disturbing stuff, sorta brings back memories of seeing Titane for the first time as well as seeing Seconds for the first time. Its so nice we're getting at least one or two cool body horror films every year for the last few years. The film really sucked me in with its general aesthetics and vibes and slowly as the film goes on I kept wondering when was this film going to really fucking wow me, I was waiting for that moment, the film had already thoroughly impressed and entertained me I was just waiting for something to blow me away and thankfully that moment came in the form of the final 30 minutes, holy shIt that was good. I love the practical effects in the final act so much.

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