

Favorite films

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  • Bruce Almighty


  • Conan the Destroyer


  • Transformers: Rise of the Beasts


  • Hardcore Henry


Recent reviews

  • Bruce Almighty

    Bruce Almighty


    This is another childhood favorite of mine. Though I'm still wearing some nostalgia goggles, it's still a nice fun movie to watch. Some of the comedy still works, and it's always fun seeing Jim Carrey just fill whatever character he's in. Go watch it, it's fine

  • Conan the Destroyer

    Conan the Destroyer


    Honestly a very disappointing sequel in quality of story, characters, action, and some of the effects. There's nothing really more to say other than that. It's kind of just a nothing movie which is sad.

Popular reviews

  • Hardcore Henry

    Hardcore Henry


    I absolutely love this movie, it's just one big action packed joyride. The action, and effects were great. Also I love the story even though some people could say there's not a lot there. I would highly suggest this if you just love heavy action oriented movies.

  • Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse

    Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse


    A beautifully animated, and well written movie. It's such a fun movie to watch, please go watch it if you haven't