Wyld Violet

Wyld Violet  Pro

Favorite films

  • The Discarnates
  • Patlabor 2: The Movie
  • Green Snake
  • Brain Damage

Recent activity

  • Guyver: Dark Hero


  • The Guyver


  • Orochi, the Eight-Headed Dragon


  • Chouriki Sentai Ohranger: The Movie


Recent reviews

  • Cool World

    Cool World


    I would wood Holly Would.

    Honestly, this movie feels like it was made for me.
    Wild live action/animation hybrid, Las Vegas, bizarre tonal versatility, never boring ultra-fast pacing, and insane fever dream chaos.
    I feel much of the criticism aimed towards the film is geared more out of missing out on what this film could have... Or should I say, Holly Would have been (yes), if not for the insanely troubled production history (which deserves a feature length documentary of its own).

    However, I still think the movie holds up very well on its own regardless.
    Just adored it.

  • G-Saviour



    A 90's live action English language Gundam film with the vibe and aesthetic of something like Babylon 5? Where has this been all my life! Really wish this became a full series.

Popular reviews

  • City Hunter

    City Hunter


    An extremely creative and high energy adaptation of the Weekly Shonen Jump manga; which as you'd expect from a Wong Jing film repurposes the source material into a completely loopy Hong Kong action comedy full of non stop, nonsensical (and often laugh out loud) gags alongside some truly inspired action set pieces. Of course sharing only the semblance of resemblance to the original work (what is with Jing and his obsession with Street Fighter II mashups? Not at all complaining…

  • Ghosts of Mars

    Ghosts of Mars


    Imagine an alternate reality where professional critics actually understood the movies they reviewed. A reality where this movie was wildly successful and Carpenter subsequently directed a Doom adaptation.
    That beautiful twisted reality was robbed from us. We can only pray that upon his passing; Carpenter will be granted funding from the dark lord himself to make an ode to his fiery cosmic abode.
