Saturday Night

Saturday Night

Finally able to catch this fine ass film!! I swear it didn’t arrive to any cinemas in Norway cause god knows I was looking for it. I was quite a big fan of SNL back in my university days and I obtained some limited knowledge on the lore and just the line of American comedy that it represents. I guess I still remain a casual fan but my go-to comfort zone are seasons 32-34ish with Amy Poehler, Maya Rudolph, Andy Samberg, Kristen Wiig, Bill Hader, Kenan Thompson, so many hilarious people!! 

I loved this film and had so much fun. I do think it’s maybe targeted to those who are both familiar and keen on the SNL line of humour and maybe those that are not might be a bit too lost. But if you are, I really thoroughly recommend. So many treats here and there!!!!

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