Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

WHAT A WONDERFUL DAY! and what a truly fantastic film at that. Big fan of these movies. Say what you want but I think they can go pound for pound easily with the Avengers movies, and put a solid fight against some other well regarded recent blockbuster sagas. I feel as though we don’t value the amount of human drama (or ape drama at that) that these films put forward, it doesn’t even compare against other blockbusters. And the politics? And the scenery? Also I thought this film had a really interesting structure. It did not follow the staple I was expecting it to follow. It feels kind of like a western adventure, but there are some really scary bits in there. They are not afraid to develop ill-founded intentions in endearing characters and understandable motifs in despicable ones. And in that note, what a well written villain like damn. Proximus is scary and so real. Pls give me 10 more of these films (with the same level of care).

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