Survival of the Dead

Survival of the Dead

Average zombie film. As far as a George Romero film is concerned this is pretty disappointing and I had mixed feelings about. I though it was simply average. Considering this is a Romero film, I expected something good. Well it kinda is, but it's not the best. The film lacked something that makes a Romero film so special. The film delivers on the gore and violence, but theres something missing to truly make this one very good. Romero obviously has done everything he can with the Zombie medium, and he seems to be running out of great ideas. While watching this film, don't expect something excellent. Expect something average, and you may not be disappointed. With George Romero nowadays is so-so. His recent zombie films aren't bad, in fact Land Of The Dead and Diary Of The Dead were great. But they don't live up to the timeless classics such as Night Of The Living Dead and Dawn Of The Dead. I the film is fun to watch and does provide the viewer with juicy gory bits, but this is his weakest entry in the Dead series. If you have doubts about watching this film, don't do it. pass on it, if you're mildly interested in seeing this film, then do so with the knowledge that it's Romero's weakest. Still I was entertained. But in the long run, this film will be forgotten. less

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