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Déjà Vu 2006
Tony Scott undoes the disgraceful gnostic fatalism of Spielberg’s “Minority Report” in this film, just as his protagonist undoes terrorist and criminal atrocities. In Spielberg’s disordered vision, the fates mercilessly damn all. In “Deja Vu,” agency and providence work in tandem to bring salvation. Central to the film is a genius visual metaphor for the Church as Ark: a New Orleans ferry under threat of being swallowed by the hell-mouth of a bomb.
As many have pointed out, “Vertigo” is…
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Blonde 2022
Wow. What a punishing, bold, unique film. A true horror picture, one of the more genuinely scary films I've ever seen. I had to keep my distance somewhat because of the fear, pain, and guilt that watching this forced in me. Towards the end, I really felt like I was being stretched on the rack with Norma. The nightmare -- an MK ultra swirl that Dominik shoves one into --- has a transcendental quality. As with Norma on screen, the…
Il Grido 1957
Somber, autumnal movie, which beautifully captures the heartbreak and misery of losing someone you love very much.
I love the way in which the setting of the Po river valley is so emotionally evocative, how it dovetails with the pain and creaturely yearning of the characters.
Despite the hopeless ending here, what the old farmer says at point — “Gesu will provide” — and Antonioni’s unflinching depiction of how destructive to human life oil refineries, jet fields, and gas stations really are, leave me with hope.