Justin Rollo’s review published on Letterboxd:
Man, we really have been making movies about the exact same shit for 100 years.
A man goes to the movie theater and sees his wife in the background of a shot walking arm-in-arm with another man. Jealousy overtakes him as he hunts for clues of her infidelity, leading to a tragic error. Brings to mind the element of voyeurism at the heart of so many Hitchcock and De Palma films, where cinema is a tool of perversion, fantasy, nightmare, wish fulfillment, figment made tangible, how the power of moving images can affect and alter our perceptions of reality, challenging any notion of man’s fixed nature in favor of a more transient, heightened emotional impression. Real prophetic shit here. Feuillade continues to prove to me how deeply interwoven he is within the DNA of cinema.