Holy Flame of the Martial World

Holy Flame of the Martial World

The projectionist described this as our first hit of crack, the high we will chase forever and never find again, and...I fear he may have been correct. This is my second Tony Lou Chun-Ku film, and once again I adore not only the insanity, but the speed at which everything unfolds. Brilliant practical effects, special effects, wirework, the likes of which we will simply never see again. They're also hilarious movies in general, great to watch with a crowd. Probably the only time in my life I'll get to appreciate this alongside an audience*, and I cherished it.

*Unironically this made me want to open an indie theater just to play all the weird obscure movies I personally like, but that's a money pit I'll let 60-year-old me worry about (this guy thinks he'll be able to retire! this guy thinks the planet will be habitable in 30 years! everybody laugh at him!), and in the meantime, I will continue to financially support and sing the praises of The Beacon, some would say (I would say) the best to ever do it.

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